
Doctor En Odontología

El propósito del curso es preparar al estudiante con un conocimiento profundo del idioma español y todo el vocabulario correspondiente relacionado con las Ciencias Biomédicas. También prepara a los estudiantes en el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza incluyendo evaluaciones.

dentist education

Estudiantes hispanohablantes:

La duración del programa es de 5 años. El costo total del programa es 54,600.00 USD y está dividido de la siguiente manera:

Información Importante:

  1. Todos los estudiantes no hispanohablantes deben inscribirse en un programa de pre-medicina de 1 año destinado a profundizar el conocimiento de los estudiantes en el idioma español relacionado con las Ciencias Biomédicas y también para capacitar a los estudiantes en el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza.
  2. Al enviar su solicitud, se registrará en una base de datos y solo es válida para el año académico en el que fue solicitada. En caso contrario, si no se presenta en ese plazo, deberás realizar una nueva solicitud formal.

Los precios anteriores incluyen lo siguiente:

  1. Matrícula
  2. Derecho de asistencia a todas las actividades docentes prácticas y teóricas
  3. Derecho a todos los exámenes incluido el examen estatal final.
  4. Certificación de notas
  5. Título debidamente legalizado por la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas donde el alumno haya cursado estudios al finalizar el programa.
  6. Utilización de los servicios bibliotecarios durante los estudios.
  7. Acceso a áreas deportivas y culturales de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas
  8. Participación en sus diversas manifestaciones y asesoramiento científico para trabajos de investigación.

Los precios anteriores no incluyen lo siguiente:

  1. Alojamiento para el año 1ro – 6to
  2. Alimentación
  3. Materiales de aprendizaje
  4. Transporte nacional o internacional
  5. Servicios telefónicos y / o servicios de Internet
  6. Libros
  7. Impresión
  8. Trámites migratorios en Cuba
  9. Cambio de estatus migratorio.
  10. Documento de identidad
  11. Traducciones y legalizaciones en el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores o embajadas
  12. Seguro de salud o atención médica.
  13. Trámites y traslado del fallecido en caso de fallecimiento.


  • Brief history of the profession and the teaching of stomatology.
  • The Stomatology degree curriculum
  • About the curriculum.
  • About disciplines and subjects
  • About the Professional Model or Professional Profile: General Stomatologist.
  • On the completion of studies.
Brief history of the profession and the teaching of stomatology.

In Cuba, the first dental academy dedicated to the training of dental surgeons was founded in 1878, although prior to that, in 1842, at the Royal and Literary University of Havana, in the Faculty of Medicine, the degree of phlebotomist, closely linked to our profession, was created, this being the origin of dental education in Cuba.

On November 19, 1900 the school of dental surgery was founded and inaugurated with two permanent professors: Cirilo Yarini of Ponce de Leon and Pedro Calvo of Castellanos, as well as an interim assistant professor, Marcelino Weiss of Gramatges, with an enrollment of six students, eleven subjects and a duration of three years.

On January 6, 1945, the faculty building was inaugurated and has continued to be the main headquarters of the degree program, which has been in existence for more than one hundred years. It is the leading methodological center for the teaching of stomatology in the country and has the category of degree of excellence granted by the national board of university degrees.

With the triumph of the revolution in 1959, the university begins to reach a new dimension, free of charge, with access for all Cubans and curricula that leave behind the formation of biologist and technicist professionals, creating the conditions for the formation of professionals who, through the Cuban health system, respond to the needs of the population.

Several generations of curricula followed one another, transitional, by phases and hemi-phases, experimental, which were continued with the plans called a, b and c (1989), the latter due to its characteristics such as: early linkage of the student with clinical and community work, The introduction of subjects with social content, a system of rotations for learning in stomatological clinics, the linking of study-work as an element of training and a fundamental form of organization of teaching in stomatology, the incorporation of preventive aspects of the most frequent oral diseases in the subjects, resulted in a graduate with a broad profile for his or her performance in primary health care.

Based on the foundation of plan c and in order to respond to the transformations of stomatological education in our country and in the world in the current conditions of globalization of knowledge, transformations that should also be aimed at strengthening the best of human beings in their training; The curriculum currently in force, with the purpose of strengthening an integral professional development, research activity, self-learning that allows continuity of studies when graduating from the degree, preparing them to immediately begin the specialty of general comprehensive stomatology and later pursue second specializations, diplomas, master’s degrees and doctorates, was designed to promote equity and social justice, while making possible a greater flexibility of knowledge for lifelong learning.

The Stomatology degree curriculum

The Stomatology degree curriculum is unique for the Higher Medical Education System. 

General Data  

Name: Degree in Stomatology 

Organization: by semesters 

Duration: 5 years 

Formative model: Classroom attendance, day program. 

Academic degree: Doctor of Stomatology 

Accreditation: Doctor of Stomatology degree. 

About the curriculum.

The curriculum “D” of the Stomatology degree program has 6710 hours, of which 3075 are on-the-job education, and is organized as follows: 

  • Basic Curriculum that contains the essential elements that guarantee the formation of the professional in all fields of action, with 8 disciplines and 5 independent subjects that occupy 6078 hours (90%). 
  • Self Curriculum with 286 hours (4.5%) completes the curriculum according to the needs of the Higher Education Centers and the needs of the territories; it is mandatory for all students and they must take a total of 6 courses of their own. 
  • Optional / elective with 346 hours (5.5%) are freely chosen by the student, responding to individual needs and interests. The electives are related to Stomatology, its fields of action and spheres of action. The electives are not related to the profession and once enrolled it is mandatory to pass them. It is established that each student must take 8 elective subjects. 

About disciplines and subjects

Degree Disciplines 

  • Main integrating discipline 

Integral Stomatology 

  • General training disciplines 

Physical Education 


Computer science and research 

Philosophy and society 

Defense Preparation 

History of Cuba 

  • Basic disciplines 


  • Core curriculum subjects  

Psychology and Health 


Pathological Anatomy 


Stomatological Imaging 

About the Professional Model or Professional Profile: General Stomatologist.

The General Stomatologist is a professional with diagnostic, therapeutic, communicative, formative, administrative, research and innovation competencies, capable of providing comprehensive stomatological care to the population, with ethical, humanistic and revolutionary values. It performs general functions of comprehensive care, teaching-educational, administrative, research, as well as other special functions. 

The curriculum defines 15 oral health problems to be identified and solved, according to levels of action, in addition to mastering methods of action to meet the demands of the health system that allow him/her to perform actions such as: health promotion, health education of the population, disease prevention: timely detection of risks to perform or indicate individual and collective prevention, indication and application of Natural and Traditional Medicine, identification of risks and their modification or elimination as part of the health team, scientific and pedagogical training, health administration, stomatological care in special situations, research. 

The forms of teaching organization favor learning by having an active, conscious, independent and creative character, directed by the teacher and with the student as the main subject. They are bearers of the unity of education and instruction and of theory and practice, both principles permeating the whole process, with a very important expression in education at work. 

The first four years of the degree are structured in two semesters of 18 teaching weeks each and 4 weeks of exams, the 5th year is structured in 2 semesters of 20 weeks. 

The evaluation of the subjects and disciplines as a system comprises frequent partial and final evaluations, which develop the main role of learning evaluation, placing fundamental emphasis on the student’s performance during the course. 

Due to the importance of the pre-professional practice in the 5th year of the degree, where the consolidation of professional performance modes must be achieved, the evaluation takes particular characteristics consisting of: 

Partial evaluation: This is done through the results of independent work, participation in seminars, rotation through the specialties and the presentation and defense of the Health Situation Analysis with emphasis on the epidemiological explanation of the main oral diseases. 

Final evaluation: This is done through a practical exam in which they must demonstrate the integral approach in the solution of problems and presentation and defense of the final report of the Health Situation Analysis (HSA), with emphasis on the execution of the intervention plan. 

The final grade of the 5th year will have an integrating character of the frequent, partial and final evaluations, taking into account the importance of each one of them. The final grade will be as established in the methodological teaching regulations. 

On the completion of studies.

The Stomatology degree program provides for the State Examination as a form of study culmination, the passing of which is indispensable for graduation and practice. The grades are satisfactory (pass) and unsatisfactory (fail). In order to be eligible to take the exam, the student must have passed the Stomatological Care to Population, a 5th year subject where he/she performs his/her pre-professional practice and does not acquire new knowledge but rather deepens and updates the same and develops greater skills of the profession. 

The state exam consists of 2 components: practical exam and theoretical exam, in which the final objectives of the degree are measured. In order to take the theoretical exam, it is a prerequisite to have passed the final integrative practical exam. The State Exam is of national character and is planned to be taken at the same time in all the Higher Education Centers of the country. 

Within the Educational Teaching Process, the plan establishes the realization of Curricular Educational Activities, such as the Student Scientific Activity, Knowledge Meetings, Award Exams, Student Assistants Movement and Special Attention to Students of exceptional academic performance. 

The University also has an extensive program of Extracurricular Educational Activities oriented and directed by the University Extension Departments, which are part of the University life of each student.  


Previo y a la llegada del estudiante a la República de Cuba, CHMT Inc. será responsable de coordinar y concluir los siguientes temas logísticos:

Antes de la llegada del estudiante:

  1. Asegurar un alojamiento adecuado en o cerca de la escuela.
  2. Mantener una línea de comunicación constante con la administración de la universidad para confirmar la reserva de plazas.
  3. Organización de la recogida en el aeropuerto.

A la llegada del estudiante:

  1. Recogida en el aeropuerto
  2. Una sesión de orientación para familiarizar al alumno con:
  3. Equipo de CHMT;
  4. Transporte local;
  5. Otros aspectos relacionados con las instalaciones de la ciudad, así como las leyes de inmigración y legales relevantes que deben cumplirse en la República de Cuba.
  6. Establecimiento de banco
  7. Actuar como un punto de referencia permanente para el estudiante en caso de que surja una necesidad.
  8. Actuar como un punto de referencia permanente para los familiares del estudiante en el extranjero en caso de que surja la necesidad.

Para los estudiantes interesados ​​en el programa anterior, tenga en cuenta lo siguiente:

  1. Haga clic en y complete el formulario de SOLICITUD DE ADMISIÓN DEL ESTUDIANTE EN UN PROGRAMA MÉDICO;

CHMT solicita un depósito inicial de $ 200 CAD para el envío de todos los formularios.


    ¿Tiene alguna consulta sobre este programa? Por favor, contáctenos mediante el llenado del siguiente formulario en línea :

    CHMT Resumen breve

    CHMT Medical es una organización global especializada en facilitar tratamientos médicos, educación médica, además de atención a pacientes y estudiantes en la República de Cuba. CHMT es un fiel partidario de la República de Cuba, el pueblo cubano, la revolución cubana y el liderazgo revolucionario cubano.

    CubaHeal 2020 – Todos los derechos reservados | Hecho con amor y muchos códigos por Moustaide COM.( Agencia digital )

    CHMT 2023 - Todos los derechos reservados | Hecho con amor y muchos códigos por Moustaide COM. (Agencia digital)