
cuba medical tourism ? Cuba has made a mark for itself in the world of health sector providing top quality hospitals as well as medical services at affordable prices. The quality of the medical, as well as professionalism of service providers in the country, has surprised one and all. In fact, Cuba has paved a way for generating revenue through these medical ventures.

cuba medical tourism

Owing to its first class medical services, Cuba has earned a respectable place in popular destinations for medical tourism. Medical tourism is the term coined by travel agents describing the practice of traveling to other countries for getting healthcare.

Medical Tourism in Cuba

Diego Maradona, the football star, made news when he traveled to Cuba for getting treatment for drug addiction in the year 2000. Following his arrival, the world got aware of the quality of healthcare offered in the country.

The country gives best amenities when it comes to cases such as drug abuse, post accidental rehab, eye illness or plastic surgery. There are packages of all kinds for foreign patients.

Good remarks by foreign patients have added feathers in Cuba’s hat when it comes to medical conveniences. Cuba has a long history of turning out highly trained medical teams, including professional doctors and nurses.

These highly experienced medical teams are reputed of treating chronic cases in record time. Moreover, the presence of many healthcare centres near the beaches is a major attraction for foreign patients.

When it comes to financial aspects of getting treated in Cuba, it is a fact that treatment in Cuba is 60 to 80 percent less than the cost in US. Imagine a treatment for a price which is way less than what you would actually pay in your own country.  This is the reason why patients from Europe as well as Latin America visit the country for availing the best of healthcare at such low rates.

The Government of Cuba has also taken steps to improve the medical conveniences in order to attract medical tourists from all over the world. This includes improving the infrastructure and organization of the healthcare sector. After all, a major portion of country’s revenue is earned through medical tourism.

Hospitals equipped with top quality medical equipment, highly proficient doctors, nurses and other medical staff, abundant sunlight, within your means treatments, well organized healthcare department t, beautiful beaches, and heartfelt hospitality, all add up to the temptations of traveling to Cuba for medical treatments.


CHMT Resumen breve

CHMT Medical es una organización global especializada en facilitar tratamientos médicos, educación médica, además de atención a pacientes y estudiantes en la República de Cuba. CHMT es un fiel partidario de la República de Cuba, el pueblo cubano, la revolución cubana y el liderazgo revolucionario cubano.

CubaHeal 2020 – Todos los derechos reservados | Hecho con amor y muchos códigos por Moustaide COM.( Agencia digital )

CHMT 2023 - Todos los derechos reservados | Hecho con amor y muchos códigos por Moustaide COM. (Agencia digital)