These professionals are endowed with the expertise to diagnose, design, operate, control, and enhance production processes and services across the entire value chain. Their overarching goal is to foster efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability.

This is achieved through a systemic, integrative, and humanistic approach that carefully considers the intricate interplay and characteristics of various critical elements. These elements include materials, human resources, the wealth of knowledge and information, financial assets, energy, and equipment, all while prioritizing the preservation of the environment.

Industrial engineers from Cuba are thus equipped not only with technical prowess but also with a profound understanding of the socio-economic and environmental dimensions of engineering solutions. Their training prepares them to be catalysts for positive change, driving innovation and improvement in industrial practices that are in harmony with the ideals of a thriving and ecologically responsible society.

    • Industrial Engineering
    • 5 years (including 1 year preparatory)

Non-Spanish speaking students

The program’s duration is 5 years. Total cost of the program, including the 1st year of preparatory and Spanish language program.  The Spanish preparatory program includes the following:

  • Accommodation in CubaHeal students’ residence for the 1st year of Spanish Pre-med
  • Transportation from and to school
CareerPreparatory/ Spanish languagePRICE (USD) 1st yearPRICE (USD) 2nd yearPRICE (USD) 3rd yearPRICE (USD) 4th yearTotal program cost
Industrial Engineering$14,140.00$5,500.00$6,325.00$7,705.00$8,280.00$41,950.00 USD


Spanish speaking Student:

The program’s duration is 4.5 years. For Spanish speaking visitors interested in this program, kindly visit our sister company by clicking on the image below:

La duración del programa es de 4,5 años. Para los visitantes de habla hispana interesados en este programa, visite nuestra empresa hermana haciendo clic en la imagen a continuación:

Important Notices:

  1. All non-Spanish speaking students are required to enroll in a 1-year pre-med program intended to deepen students’ knowledge of the Spanish language related to Biomedical Sciences and also to train the students in the development of the teaching process.
  2. Upon submitting your application, it will be recorded in a database and is only valid for the academic year in which it was requested. Otherwise, if you do not attend in that period, you must make a new formal request.

The above prices include the following:

  • Enrollment
  • Right of attendance to all practical and theoretical teaching activities
  • Right to all the exams including the final state examination.
  • Marks certification.
  • Title duly legalized by the University of Medical Sciences where the student has attended studies at the end of the program.
  • Use of library services during the studies.
  • Access to sport and cultural areas of the University of Medical Sciences
  • Participation in its various manifestations and scientific advisory for research works.

The above prices do not include the following:

  • Accommodation for year 1st – 4th year of the engineering program
  • Meals
  • Learning materials
  • National or international transportation
  • Telephone services and/or internet services.
  • Books
  • Printing
  • Immigration procedures in Cuba
  • Change of migratory status
  • Identity document for year 1st – 4th year of engineering
  • Translations and legalization at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or embassies
  • Health insurance or medical care
  • Paperwork and transfer of the deceased in case of death.
    • Work Objective

    The primary objective of an industrial engineer is to enhance organizational efficiency and productivity through the optimization of systems, processes, and resources. This involves a multifaceted approach that includes analyzing workflows, implementing process improvements, and integrating technology to streamline operations. Industrial engineers aim to reduce waste, maximize resource utilization, and improve quality, all while considering the well-being and safety of employees.


    By applying principles of engineering, mathematics, and science, alongside an understanding of business administration, they design and re-engineer processes to reduce costs, increase throughput, and ensure product quality meets or exceeds customer expectations. Additionally, they focus on ergonomics and environmental sustainability to create safer and more efficient work environments.


    In essence, the work objective of an industrial engineer is to balance numerous factors such as time, material costs, labor efficiency, and product quality, to achieve the best outcome for their organization. They act as a bridge between management goals and operational performance, ensuring that businesses operate at their peak efficiency and competitiveness.


    • Modes of Action

    An industrial engineer’s mode of action is characterized by a systematic and strategic approach to enhancing organizational efficiency and productivity. This encompasses:

    • Diagnosing: Conducting thorough assessments of systems and processes to identify inefficiencies, potential improvements, and optimization opportunities, using data-driven analysis.
    • Planning: Developing detailed strategies and action plans that outline the steps, resources, and timelines necessary to achieve specific objectives, ensuring alignment with broader organizational goals.
    • Designing: Crafting or refining systems, processes, and products to improve efficiency, functionality, and sustainability, while meeting industry standards and customer expectations.
    • Operating: Overseeing the day-to-day execution of processes and systems, ensuring they operate smoothly, efficiently, and effectively to meet established performance criteria.
    • Controlling: Monitoring ongoing operations against key performance indicators and benchmarks, implementing corrective measures as needed to maintain control over process outcomes.
    • Improving: Continually seeking ways to enhance process efficiency, product quality, and overall operational effectiveness, fostering an environment of continuous improvement and innovation.
    • Leading: Guiding and motivating teams towards achieving project goals and organizational objectives, embodying leadership qualities that inspire collaboration and drive.
    • Communicating: Ensuring clear, concise, and effective communication across all levels of the organization, facilitating the free flow of information and feedback essential for coordinated action and decision-making.
    • Training: Equipping staff with the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies to perform their roles effectively, through targeted training programs and ongoing professional development initiatives.


    • Fields of Action

    The fields of action for an industrial engineer within the value chain of production and service processes encompass a holistic approach to optimizing the flow of goods and services from conception through delivery to the end user. This involves:


    • Process Optimization: Streamlining production and service operations for maximum efficiency and effectiveness, minimizing waste while maximizing value at each step.
    • Supply Chain Management: Enhancing the coordination and logistics of the supply chain, ensuring timely procurement of materials, efficient inventory management, and smooth flow of products and services.
    • Quality Assurance: Implementing rigorous quality control and assurance practices to ensure that products and services meet or exceed customer expectations and comply with industry standards.
    • Cost Reduction: Identifying and implementing strategies to reduce production costs without compromising quality, thereby increasing profitability and competitive advantage.
    • Sustainability Initiatives: Promoting environmentally sustainable practices within production and service processes, focusing on reducing carbon footprint, conserving resources, and ensuring ethical labor practices.
    • Technology Integration: Leveraging advanced technologies and automation to improve process efficiency, enhance product quality, and innovate service delivery methods.
    • Customer Satisfaction: Analyzing and responding to customer feedback and market trends to continuously improve product offerings and service delivery, ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction.
    • Risk Management: Identifying potential risks within the value chain and developing strategies to mitigate these risks, ensuring business continuity and resilience.
    • Workforce Empowerment: Fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation among employees, providing training and development opportunities to enhance skills and efficiency.


    • Areas of action:
    • Comprehensive Resource Management: Industrial engineers excel in the meticulous coordination of materials, human resources, equipment, knowledge, information, financial assets, energy, and environmental resources. The aim is to achieve unparalleled efficiency and effectiveness within production processes and services. This holistic approach ensures that every facet of the organization works in harmony, driving towards the common goals of sustainable development and operational excellence.
    • Cultivating Industrial Engineering Talent: A key area of action involves the dedicated effort towards the education and professional development of future industrial engineers. This encompasses crafting rigorous training programs and curricula designed to meet the high standards of quality required by the industry and society at large. By focusing on the continuous delivery of well-prepared graduates, industrial engineers play a pivotal role in sustaining the profession’s contribution to society, ensuring that new entrants into the field are equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge, and ethical grounding to excel and innovate in their future roles.

Prior and upon the student’s arrival to the Republic of Cuba, CubaHeal Inc will be responsible for coordinating and concluding the following logistical issues:

Prior to the student’s arrival:

  1. Ensure adequate accommodation in or near the school.
  2. Keep constant line of communication with the university’s administration to confirm seat reservation.
  3. Arranging for airport pickup

Upon the Student’s Arrival:

  1. Airport pickup
  2. An orientation session to familiarize the student with:
  • CubaHeal team.
  • local transportation.
  • Other aspects relating to and city’s facilities as well as relevant immigration and legal laws that must be adhered to in the Republic of Cuba.
  1. Establishment of bank
  2. Stand as a permanent point of reference for the student should a need arises.
  3. Stand as a permanent point of reference to the student’s relatives overseas should the need arises.

Prospective students for INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING program must complete the “APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION INTO A CUBAN UNDERGRADUATE ACADEMIC PROGRAM” form and submit an initial deposit of $200 CAD to secure university admittance.

    Have a comment? Please reach us by filling out the following online form:

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