Declaración de Derechos de Los Pacientes de CHMT

Como individuo en busca de atención médica fuera de su comunidad de origen, tiene derecho a la siguiente Declaración de derechos de los pacientes de CHMT.

1. Derecho al Entendimiento

Comprenda estos derechos, solicité que se los expliquen en detalle y discútalos con su asistente y / o su familia.

2. Derecho al Respeto

Tiene derecho  a ser respetado, incluido el respeto por su dignidad humana y sus valores y creencias personales, independientemente de su origen nacional, idioma, raza, color, religión, ascendencia, diagnóstico médico, discapacidad mental o física, información genética, antecedentes educativos, sexo. , orientación sexual, estado civil, situación económica o la fuente de pago de la atención.

2. Right to Visitors

Have the right to have a family member or other person of your choosing present during examinations, tests, and meetings with your doctors. This includes your reasonable right to designate visitors during in-patient care in keeping with your health care facility’s restrictions.

3. Right to a Translator

Have the right to a translator or interpreter present during examinations, tests, and meetings with your doctors. This may be someone you designate or someone provided by CubaHeal Medical Tourism Inc.

4. Right to Professional Relationships

Have the right to know the name of the physician who will be coordinating your care and the names and professional relationships of other physicians and non-physicians who will see you.

5. Right to Enquire About Physicians

Have the right to inquire about a physician’s qualifications related to your condition, such as education, medical license, board certification and recertification, years of practice, and experience in performing recommended procedures.

6. Right to Enquire About Facilities

Have the right to inquire about the health care facility, including accreditation status, experience in performing recommended procedures and services, and presence of or access to appropriate technology.

7. Right to a Thorough Evaluation

Have the right to receive a thorough evaluation by knowledgeable providers and screening activities that facilitate disease detection, including, if appropriate, the option of genetic testing and counseling.

8. Right to Information

Have the right to receive information, in terms you can understand, about your current health status, your options for treatment, the risks and benefits of each option, details about the course of treatment, your prospects for recovery, and the possible and probable outcomes of receiving or refusing care.

Have the right to receive information about rules, policies, and expectations for patients at the medical facility where you are receiving care.

9. Right to Review Treatment Options and Decide Accordingly

Have the right to receive a full spectrum of treatment options.

10. Right to a Second Opinion

Have the right to seek a second opinion.

11. Right to a Clean Environment

Have the right to receive care in a clean and medically safe environment.

12. Right to a Safe Setting

Have the right to receive care in a safe setting, free from verbal or physical abuse, harassment, coercion, discipline, or neglect.

13. Right to a Non-Smoking Room

Have the right to receive care in a non-smoking room.

14. Right to be Free of Blame

Have the right to be free of blame for having a disease and any guilt you may feel for surviving it.

15. Right to Make Decisions

Have the right to make decisions about your medical care and receive as much information as you may need about any proposed treatment, procedure, or medication in order to give informed consent or to refuse a course of treatment.

16. Right to Request an Estimate

Have the right to request and receive, prior to treatment, an estimate of charges for your medical care.

17. Right to Receive Qualified Care

Have the right to receive care from a multidisciplinary team of qualified health care providers, including nurses, with specialized knowledge, who successfully complete ongoing programs that demonstrate their competence.

18. Right to Receive Referrals

Have the right to receive referrals to qualified specialists, as deemed necessary and appropriate by your physician.

19. Right to Advance Directives

Have the right to prepare advance directives that will be honored by medical personnel. Such directives may include your designation of a decision maker in the event you become incapable of understanding a proposed treatment or become unable to communicate your wishes regarding care. You may also indicate your preferences on issues related to resuscitative services and your desire for or against life-sustaining treatment, within the confines of the applicable law.

20. Right to Receive Medical Education

Have the right to receive complete education about, and access to comfort care, including therapies that decrease pain, reduce the side effects of treatment and improve the quality of life. This includes your right to participate in pain management decisions.

21. Right to Privacy

Have the right to have full respect for your privacy, including the confidential treatment of all written and electronic records, the use of privacy curtains in semi-private rooms, and the right to privacy during the case discussion, consultation, examination, and treatment.

22. Right to Emergency Care

Have the right to receive skilled emergency care if the need arises.

23. Right to Timely Responses

As a patient, you have the right to timely response to your requests for treatment, information, or other inquiries.

24. Right to Continuity of Care

As a patient, you have the right to continuity of care, including information about the time and location of your future appointments.

25. Right to Review Your Medical Records

As a patient, you have the right to review your medical record. This includes your right to obtain a copy of your medical record, for which you may be charged a reasonable fee.

26. Right to Discontinue Treatment

As a patient, you have the right to continue or discontinue treatment regardless of how mild or advanced your condition may be, but without holding the hospital, medical center or doctors responsible for any medical consequences should you choose to do so against the advice of the doctor.

27. Right to a Discharge Plan

As a patient, you have the right to receive, in writing, a discharge plan, including information about continuing health care requirements following your discharge from treatment and a description of how you can appeal your discharge.

28. Right to Leave

As a patient, you have the right to leave the medical care facility, even against the advice of physicians, to the extent permitted by law.

29. Right to Long-Term Follow Up Care

As a patient, you have the right to long-term follow-up that focuses on health maintenance, quality of life, and prompt detection and treatment of disease.

30. Right to Updated Reporting

As a patient, you have the right to add information to your medical records by providing relevant reports and information before admission and/or after discharge.

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