CubaHeal Student Services

students services

We provide the Student Services Department with real opportunities for personal development to complement classroom learning and student academic success with support and guidance.

Canada team:

  1. – Submission of students’ academic records and credentials for evaluation
  2. – Following up with the applicable university in order to expedite the approval process
  3. – Upon approval, forwarding university approval to the student
  4. – Handling payment arrangements and delivering said payment to the applicable Cuban government bodies on behalf of the student

Jamaica team:

  1. – Assisting students on obtaining and certifying their academic records via the Cuban embassy in their respective country
  2. – Handling all payment arrangements and delivering said payment to CubaHeal Canada on behalf student
  3. – Stand as a point of contact between the student and his family in Jamaica should the need arise

Cuba Team

  1.  Stand as a guarantor for the student with various academic and government agencies
  2.  Arrange, reserve and pay for accommodation for the first year
  3.  Airport pick
  4.  Arrange medical insurance services on behalf of the student should he wish for it
  5.  Arrange for the medical quarantine accommodation

 Orienting the student regarding the following:

  •  The university and country laws students have to adhere to
  •  Shopping facilities;
  •  Local transportation
  •  Banks;
  •  Hospitals;
  •  Entertainment and restaurants;
  •  Money exchange facilities
  • Telecommunication facilities
  1. – A tour through the city of Havana and the University of Medical Sciences
  2. – Handling school registration which includes the following:
    – The submission of certified academic, medical and all other legal documentation to the school’ administration
    – The issuance of government and school identification
    – The issuance of academic residence visa
  3.  Providing the students with a one-time 20 hours internet access
  4.  Purchase and delivery of school uniforms (2 sets)
  5.  Point of contact between CubaHeal Cuba, CubaHeal Canada and CubaHeal Caribbean
  6.  Arranging all medical emergencies care should the need arise
  7.  Act as advocates on behalf of the student regarding any academic, legal, or immigration matters
  8.  Upon concluding the first year, exert our influence, through our relationships with various academic department to ensure our students to be registered in the city of Havana and best medical faculty/ university) such as Calixto Garcia, or Victoria de Giron universities
  9.  Upon concluding the first year, and should the students wish, assisting the students in locating a proper accommodation at a reasonable price near the university.
    This service is at 100.00 CUC flat fee cost

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