Commander manuel fajardo teaching surgical hospital


Commander Manuel Fajardo Teaching Surgical Hospital was the first hospital founded in Cuba. Its history goes back to the final years of the second half of the sixteenth century.

This center has been a pioneer in many branches of medicine and precursor of several specialized institutes that today distinguish the Cuban health system.

The base hospital of the municipality Plaza de la Revolucion (Revolution Square), serves a population of 171,437 inhabitants, characterized by a regressive pyramid and high rates of population aging.

This is happening in such a way that the population of the municipality is considered the oldest in the country.

With the passage of time and as a result of the development achieved, several hospital services were dis-aggregated.

The Radium service became the National Institute of Oncology and Radio-biology.

The Endocrinology service became the National Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, and the Cardiology service became the National Institute of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery.

Moreover, thanks to the efforts of Dr. Armando de Cordoba, it was created the first Psychiatric Day Hospital in the country and the Dermatology Service, led by Dr. Alfredo Abreu was entitled as National Reference Center.

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